Өнөөдөр Superman эргэж ирнэ

Ийм popular guy-ийн талаар юм бичнэ гэсэн чинь яг юу бичихээ эвлүүлж чадахгүй хэцүү л байна. Хмм. Заавал юм бичье гэсэн санаа 3 Doors Down хамтлагийн Kryptonite (2000 онд асар хит болсон) дууг радиогоор сонсож байгаад төрлөө. Тэгээд дууны үгийг бодоод үзсэн чинь Superman-ий оршин тогтнох гол нөхцөл нь Supervillain (дуун дээр дурьдагдаж буй kryptonite нь Superman-ийг устгах чадалтай цацраг идэвхт бодис) байгаад л орших юм шиг. Хэрэв хорон муу санаа алга болчихвол манай хүн хэнтэйгээ ч байлдах билээ, тэрний оронд өглөө босоод сайхан халуун toast, жүржний шүүсээ зооглоод л, үдээс өмнө ганц хоёр гольф цохьчихоод, дараа нь асар нэр хүндтэй сенатын танхимдаа очиж ганц хоёр хэлж хэвшсэн алдартай үгнүүдээ урсгачихаад л сууна биз. Аль эсвэл, түүнийг бүгд таг мартаж орхивол хог дээр гараад ганц хоёр амиа зогоох төгрөг гуйх болов уу. Сэргэлэн бол Schwarzenegger ах шиг сенат руу ухас хийгээд л, үгүй бол сэтгэлээр унаад архинд орох ч юм уу. Тэгсэн тохиолдолд өөрийнхөө муу зуршилтай тэмцэх л үлдэнэ дээ. Ямар ч гэсэн муу муухай юм байгаа нь Super ахын оршин тогтнох гол баталгаа болдог байх л даа.

I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind,
I left my body laying somewhere in the sands of time,
I see the world float to the dark side of the moon,
I feel there’is nothing I can do, yeah
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon,
After all I knew it had to be something to do with you,
I really don’t mind what happens now and then,
As long as you’ll be my friend at the end
If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman
If I’m alive and well, will you be there holding my hand
I’ll keep you by my side with my superhuman might


  1. Superman movied- togloson Christopher Reeve morin sportoor hicheellej baih yavtsdaa nugas nuruunii bertel avsanaar 4 moch ni ajillagaagyi bolj nas bartalaa tergentser deer yldsen amidralaa ongorooson baidag.

  2. aan togloson jujigchniih ni amidraliig helsen yum uu. neeree Christopher Reeve-iin tuhai neg nom bi deer unshij baisan yum bna. Ter nomiig unshaad nadad zaluu baih uyeiinh ni pix ni taalagdaj baisan. Yalanguya Bostonians kinond togloson zuragnuud ni.

  3. bi ene onigoog medeh yum baina, nadad dor hayaj gurav durvun hun yarij baisan. Erchuudiin bahdaj yaridgiig ni yaanaa. Er ni evropiin ba manai erchuud nileen chauvinist zantai yum shig nadad ajiglagddag. Iimerhuu yum yarihaar mongol zaluutai gerleh hamag appetitiig untraagaad hayachdgiin. Za za, bi er ni golf-nii nasan deeree barag ochtson yum chini ene tal deer margaldaad nemergui biz de.

  4. Emegtei hun baina gedeg hezuu shuu. Zaluudaa olon erchuudeer hoolgono, hogshirohoor ni “tsaashaa zail” gej l hoolgoh baih. Erchuud bol 13 meheeree yaaj iij baigaad zaluuhan ehner avch chadna. Hogshin avgai sonirhdog bazaanuud baidag l yum. Jaahan bandiin chalh huch saihan ch tedentei oligtoi togtoj bolohgui.

    Tegeheer emegtei hun zaluu baigaa deeree sain nohor olj avaad terendee burhanii zayasan goo uzesgelengee ogch setgel zurhiig ni ezemdej, oortoo dasgaj, hayaad yavchihgui bolgoh heregtei.

    If you wait only thing changes is that you get old.

  5. Supermanuud zaaval baih shaardlagatai. yagaad gevel huuhnuud tiim eregteig morooddog chig shig. :p
    moroodol l yum da.

  6. Tuya bi ene onigoog european, african and latin american zaluusaas sonsson yum bna gesn he heh…
    Hyyhnyyd ni superman moroodood baihlaar erchyyd ni iimerhyy onigoo zohiosiin boluu? 😎

  7. Emegtei huniig tegj door uzdeg er hun tsuuhun shuu dee(golf, tennis-iin bumbug ch gene uu?), buruu zunusun garuud ni l tegdeg baih.
    Minii medeh nas togtson erchuud ehner huuhduudiinhee tuluu yostoi Tamiriin goliin chuluug dolooh ni halaggui l yavdag.
    Amidral ch bas tiim saihan show-ii gazar bish l dee.

  8. Huuhen bur Superguy muruudud baigaa yum bol, ter super gesen shalguurt tentseegui busad erchuud zugeer l “disposable date-uud” bolno gesen ug uu esvel yavaandaa tavigdaj bui shaardlaga ni dooshildog yum bol uu? Nadad er ni iimerhuu, huisiin tentsveriin tuhai sedveer temtseldeh muuhai sanagddag. Adilhan hun gedeg turultun baij neg ni negiigee er em gej yalgavarlan sanaataigaar gaduurhah ni yostoi tevchishgui. NCAA-iin bichsen “tsaashaa zail”, “huulgunu”, “hugshiruhuur ni” gesen ugnuudiig unshaad, iim yum bichij baigaad ni itgeegui. Emegtei hund iim radical baidlaar handaj baigaa ni haramsmaar. Urd ni on-d emegtei hun muu yum hiisnees iim boltson baih gej naidaad l unguruuye.
    Za ter ch yahav. Hamgiin gol ni eregtei ni, “bi lag” gehed, em ni “chamaas dutahgui” gej biye biye-ee davj hashgirah geseer baital hair setgeliin goyo goyo moment-uud uregdeed duusah bailgui.

  9. Ehendee emegtei bur Superguy moroodno. Tehdee ter ni yumand tootsogdohgui. Yagaad gevel er hun ehelj emegtei huniig guidag bolohoor emegtei hun Superguy namaig guigaasai gej zalbirahaas oor yaj ch chadahgui.

    Ihenh tohioldold “yahav dee” neg zaluu l guina. Ter uyed ihenh emegtei hun, yun superguy manatai, hend ch toogdohgui gantsaardlaas aisan baih tul zaluud chance ogno.

    Herev zaluu uhaalag bol emegteig halamjilj tuuniig chuhal yum shig medruulj, ev tuhtai bailgaj, eldvees halamjilj hamgaalna. Yag superman delhiig hamgaaldag shig. Ingesneer ter zaluu emegteid superman bolj happily ever after.

  10. Nogoo talaas gants “bombognii” hoinoos 20 orchim nasand 20 garui erchyyl hootsoldool 30 orchim nasand… g.m. baigaa ni goyo bish gejyy? Sorry girls, ene onigoog bysgyichyydiig “doosh ni hiih” gej bicheegyim shyy. Harin onigoo maani esreg effect yzyylsen ni haramsaltai. Superman-aa boliod oor zyil yarival yaasiin jishee ni: Hamgiin syyld…

  11. bumbug bumbug huurhun d????
    bumbuguur togloh goyhon doo…
    joke! bumbug gesen chini deerh huuhdiin sanaand orood.
    superman gesnees urid hamt neg bairand amidarch baisan german zaluu sanaand orchihloo. mani hun jinhene Batman-iin fan baisan yum l daa. bagaasaa buh comic, huuheldei togloomiig ni tsugluulsan. tuuniigee tegeed “hugshirsun” hoinoo neg tom hairtsgand hiichiheed chireed yavj baihiig ni haraad uneheer sonin sanagddag baij bilee. mani hun oilgohod jaahan hetsuu hun bolovch(uran buteelch l dee), mani hoyor sain oilgoltsdog baisan. yalanguya hugjmiin stiliin huvid neleen oir medremjtei. er ni bol tuunii huchind rock minii hujmiin ertuntsud neleen tomoohon bair suuritai bolson doo.
    gesnees angliin “Arctic monkeys” geed hamtlag balai avch bainaa. hamgiin anh interneted duugaa unegui tavidag baihad sonsoj uzej baij bilee. ter uyed l gehed duugii ni ali hediin heden sayaar download bolchihson baisan. tegeed udalgui geree hiigeed l. unegui duu baihgui bolchihson. sayahan end “hurrycan” festivald toglosniig mtv-eer harav.12 sard “muse” germand (d??sseldorf-d) ireh suragtai. teriig zanaj baigaad uzne dee. suuliin heden jil sonsson hamtlaguudaas minii huvid best of best baigaa yum.

  12. Saihan naadamlasan uu humuusee, just a bit disappointed. I wrote a personal letter to Bodrol about a month ago, sayin that it would be nice to publish a book from these blogs(was a kind of excited to tell my idea too..). So I was expecting some sort of reply, at least no thanks. Nothing till now, I guess they don’t care about these things.

  13. Hey, Badaa…. So sorry that I haven’t replied. I’ve been really bad about updating the website and replying to emails, everything has been quite hectic lately… 🙁

    Thanks for the very nice, encouraging email… I personally think it’s too early to be thinking about publishing, but then again, that’s me… Maybe we could all work together to come up with something though. I really appreciate your support, it’s nice to check the website and read all these wonderful comments. Keep up the good job!

    Also, I think it would be easier if you post your ideas straight to the website because that way everyone could chip in and contribute their own thoughts.

    ??????????????, ???

  14. Jagie, thank you for your “no thanks” (only jokin..). Let me know when you do publish a book so I’d like to get a copy for myself. Anyways, I’ll try to be straight as possible unless ???? maybe…something soo secret.

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