
2 кг хадаас, 5 хайрцаг плита, уран зураг, хуушуур, хөгжим, гарчигласан сонин, уншаагүй номнууд, уулзаагүй хүмүүс, онгоцны буудал, 3 тонн цемент, утасны хонх, оройн хоол, анир чимээгүй, маргааш нөгөөдөр, хаалга цонх, хийх зүйлсийн жагсаалт, төлбөр тооцоо, баасан гариг, цоорхой яндан, айраг, ягаан гутал, онгорхой цонх, уранхай өмд, өдөн хөнжил…

сүүлийн өдрүүдэд амьдрал нэг иймэрхүү…

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  1. gevch ta nar ongots hoorohiig harav uu? mani nudee hohortol dooshoo harsan, heden tseg baisan, ta nar mon uu? :p

  2. hey, amidral gesnees suuliin ued negen routineiig bolih yumsan. weekdays ajil-ger, sometimes dinner.Fri, Sat anir chemeeguid umbaj,gants hoer boloriin ayand bujiglesen bolj,uruuliig amtalj, taizan deer garj,daraa ni ter ni orgildoo hurch 6 tsagt undurludug neg l routine… Eldev plan baivch ter ni jijig sajig zuilees bolood hoishlood l…Seems disappointing and at times pointless…

    Anyway, on another topic [suddenly felt nostalgic after a brief glance at the forum topic]. The topic is what would you do if you are seeing your loved one for the last time? And i just started to write without thinking seriously and it turned out to be : “Udurjin hamt–ter neg ni heltsen baina sht, hamt gaduur alhaad, zurag avhuulaad, hoolond oroo, shunu ni bas hamt baih ni todorhoi…

    I remember that last day, although we had several last days however strange it sounds, when we walked on 5th Ave, Cnetral park, had a nice pizza, and were just walking hand to hand… ALso remember that last day, where we both had tears on our eyes and were just looking at each other as if we would never see each other again and were trying to remember each pore of ours…And finally, remember that last day where we just smiled at each other and each knew we had to go…apart… ” Don’t know, eniig hsine personal sedeve bolgood oruulah gesen tiim command iig olsongui. Anyway, this raises some thoughts…

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